Kayaking And Canoeing South Chickamauga Creek
South Chickamauga Creek carves a peaceful green swath through the heart of the Greater Chattanooga Area and provides abundant habitat for wildlife, as well as opportunities for recreation. Wood Ducks, Belted Kingfishers, Great Blue Heron, Osprey, Muskrats, Beavers, Barred Owls, and much more may be spotted along its banks, providing a truly wild experience within minutes from downtown Chattanooga.
Resources For Paddlers
S. Chick Creek Guide
South Chickamauga Creek can be paddled for over 30 miles from Ringgold to the Tennessee River. This presentation covers common access points and obstacles on S. Chick.
Flood Gauge
Water levels can change rapidly. Check the USGS South Chick water gauge to help plan your activities.
Distances On South Chickamauga Creek
Water Access At Audubon Acres
South Chickamauga Creek is a naturally flowing waterway and may contain hazards such as broken glass, underwater debris, and swift currents. No lifeguard is on duty at Audubon Acres - enter creek at your own risk. Chattanooga Audubon reserves the right to bar access to the creek through the sanctuary during flooding or other inclement weather. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at Audubon Acres and may not be brought through sanctuary grounds. As a wildlife sanctuary, fishing is not permitted at Audubon Acres. Tennessee law requires all paddlers to have coast guard approved personal flotation device with them and that participants under the age of 13 must wear one while underway (includes floating). More info here.